A opção pela espada

A opção pela espada is a book of Peter A. Marangoni, among other things, gives an accurate picture of the military situation of the FNLA in northern Angola between September 1975 and February 1976. Commander Marangoni, young but with a strong military experience in Angola and Mozambique, describes her solemn, direct participation in combat of a small group of men against the best trained, more numerous apertrechadas forces and the FAR-MPLA.

Although the book ranges from joining the Foreign Legion in 1972 until his return to Europe years later, is particularly interesting chapter on the war in Angola, an essential objective of this blog. We appreciate your kindness Commander Marangoni, you provided the link below, which can be downloaded free A opção pela espada (Portuguese)

In this other link to download the attached images, where we have taken the author’s photo accompanying this post.

A opção pela espada es un libro de Pedro A. Marangoni que, entre otras cosas, nos ofrece una visión precisa de la situación militar del FNLA en el norte de Angola entre septiembre de 1975 y febrero de 1976. El Comandante Marangoni, joven pero con una fuerte experiencia militar en Angola y Mozambique, describe con estilo sobrio y directo su participación en los combates de un reducido grupo de hombres contra las mejor entrenadas, apertrechadas y más numerosas fuerzas de las FAR-MPLA.

Aunque el libro abarca desde su ingreso en la Legión Extranjera en 1972 hasta su regreso a Europa años más tarde, es particularmente interesante el capítulo dedicado a la guerra de Angola, objetivo esencial de este blog. Agradecemos su amabilidad al Comandante Marangoni, que nos ha facilitado el siguiente enlace, donde puede ser descargado gratuitamente La opción por la espada en portugués:


En este otro enlace pueden descargarse las imágenes adjuntas,de donde hemos tomado la foto del autor que acompaña esta entrada:


16 Respuestas a “A opção pela espada

  1. Just been reading Pedro’s book, who I’m in contact with.
    Would like to make contact with you as I’m running a site trying to record all Mercenary conflicts since the Second World War. Not the Hollywood versions, but first hand acounts while they are still available.
    Thanks for your time

  2. Pingback: Tres enlaces de interés/ Three links of interest « Havanaluanda

  3. Hi Terry,may you ask Pedro A. Marangoni his opinion about the capacities of zairian army in Angola?

  4. I recived this reply from Pedro

    The Zairian army evaluated through its operations in Angola: In 1975 Mobutu sent to Angola the best he had in terms of soldiers, Commanded by Colonel Mamina. They showed in the first few months that they were mostly incompetent, undisciplined, cowardly, looters and rapists. Engineering: They built a wooden floating bridge in Portoquipiri, to help the offensive against Luanda. However, the bridge collapsed with the first rains and left my group isolated on the hill at Cal. Later they replaced it by building a large steel bridge in the same position. However, during the withdrawal of our forces, they also attached hundreds of pounds of explosives to it, but were unable to make it explode. Cavalry: They had Panhard 90 and 60; away from the enemy they quickly unload of all their ammunition and returned to the rear to “recharge”. When withdrawing, the Zairian Panhard and other vehicles were unable to shoot because they were loaded up with products they had looted: bicycles, refrigerators, furniture, etc. Infantry: The troops of occupation, fled as the first shots from enemy were fired, some even deserted which gave us more problems than we were receiving from the enemy. Simulated mortar attacks were placed in dangerous positions in order that we could retreat. The casualties suffered in the Battle of Quifangondo was because Coronel Mamina gave no defense or protection to two trucks full of soldiers, who were following the Portuguese special commandos Panhards. It was impossible to flee, as they were under heavy machine fire. Those who could fled immediately. All the time they were in Angola they tried to remove the white FNLA to break free of their demands. In short, the Zairian soldiers sent to Angola in 1975, for the most part, (other than a few notable exceptions) were just a tribal armed bunch.
    Pedro Marangoni

    After the conquest of Quicabo, Pedro Marangoni jeep with commander Remedios ( captured at the Battle of Quifangondo), holding his M-79, which today, according to General Xavier (Angolan Army), is in  Military Museum of Luanda.

  5. Sorry this photo from pedro should be displayed before the last paragraph

    I’m still learning!!!!!


  6. Pingback: The Zairian army evaluated through its operations in Angola/ El ejército del Zaire evaluado a través de sus operaciones en Angola « Havanaluanda

  7. Thanks you very much for the information Mr Terry and Pedro.

  8. Le envio a ambos este libro que habla sobre la aventura angoleña de Mobutu.

    La désintégration de l’armée congolaise de Mobutu à Kabila Escrito por Kisukula Abeli Meitho

    No se si el señor Pedro lo habra leido.

    • Gracias Jose,ya lo sabía, pero no lo han leído.(pero el nombre del libro ya nos da una buena idea!)
      pedro marangoni

  9. A un gusto conversar con un veterano de la guerra de Angola,como ud,creo que sinceramente el frente norte del FNLA merecio mejor suerte,pero por lo que veo lamentablemente para Holden Roberto sus aliados zairenses(zairian allies) fueron un desastre.

  10. Pedro,sorry If I make you many questions about Angola but I am a cuban who wants to know what really happened in such country,because in Cuba there is a strong censorship.

    Did you meet zairian Colonel Mamina Lama?

    Do you think he was a good or tought fighter in 1975?

  11. Jose:
    El coronel Mamina Lama no era un malo militar, pero se le dio una misión imposible, el mando de los soldados de Zaire indiciplinados en suelo extranjero, sin ley. Las pocas veces que he estado en contacto con él, no directamente, sino sólo como un miembro del staff del coronel Santos e Castro, ha demostrado ser amable,con buen sentido del humor y en Quifangondo permaneció en el mando avanzado, ubicado a unos 200 metros desde el puente de Panguila, bajo el fuego enemigo, sin mostrar ninguna preocupación o temor.
    pedro marangoni

  12. Mr Pedro:Do you know if Mamina Lama published any book about his experiencies in Angolan War?

    Is he still alive?

  13. Jose:
    I don’t know about books or the colonel life today,apparently he was arrested years ago for political reasons in Kinshasa.

  14. Hi Pedro

    Do you have some photos of zairian army in Angola?

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