Trofeos de guerra/ War trophies

Cuito Cuanavale,1988, marzo. Tanque sudafricano Olifant capturado por fuerzas cubanas. En la batalla que se extendió por más de cuatro meses, ambas partes capturaron material de guerra utilizado posteriormente como trofeo.

Cuito, 1988, March. South African Olifant tank captured by Cuban forces. In the battle which lasted over four months, both parties captured war material later used as a trophy.

6 Respuestas a “Trofeos de guerra/ War trophies

  1. Parabens, fizerao muito bem recuperar esse tanque!!! Durante duas semanas em Novembro de ’87 andava eu nessa mesma viatura !!

  2. Greetings I served with the SADF in 1988 at the battle of Tumpo (Cuito) Can somebody please advise me on the current location of Olifant tank 53??

  3. teniente alfonso loez

    Tanque olifant que se hundio en el fango y su motor resulto dañado,los sudafricanos no lo llevaron porque este no rodava,fue capturado intacto ,fue lo unico que nos dejaron y las ganas de llegar a Jamba cosa que nunca pudimos hacer,curiosamente parte de estos mismos soldados sudafricanos regresaron despues como mercenarios al servicio del gobierno Angoleño y ellos finalmente capturaron a Jamba,que ironia no?

  4. teniente alfonso loez

    Tank olifant that sank in the mud and its engine was damaged, the South Africans took him no because it does not rodava, was captured intact, your current location is Havana Cuba was the only thing left to us and looking forward to Jamba thing ever we could do, interestingly of these same soldiers returned after South African mercenaries in the service of the Angolan government and they finally captured Jamba, which ironically not?

  5. Lieutenant Alfonso Loez, the 53 Olifant Tank is still in Angola .only the turret was removed.

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